A Classical Guitar Holiday Solo Recital

A Winter Holiday Classical Guitar Recital in Tacoma

It's that time of year again! During this holiday season, on Sunday December 27th at 3 pm, I will be performing a classical guitar solo concert once again. This year's theme is "Bella Italia", featuring the works of great Italian composers including Domenico Scarlatti, Mauro Giuliani, Girolamo Frescobaldi, and Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, among other classical guitar staples. Join me at the intimate venue of the Antique Sandwich Co. in Tacoma. Hope to see you there!

Source: http://antiquesandwichcompany.com

Enjoy the Holidays with Classical Guitar

On Sunday December 28th at 3:00pm, I will be performing a solo classical guitar recital at the Antique Sandwich Company in Tacoma. Join me during the holidays for an afternoon of classical guitar masterpieces including selections by Bach, Guiliani, Albeníz, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and more. Hope to see you all there again at this delightful venue!

Antique Sandwich Company Classical Recital Concert
Source: www.antiquesandwichcompany.com

Classical Guitar Concert at the Antique Sandwich Co.

I would like to say thank you to all who came out to my first solo guitar performance in two years. I have been busy performing guitar concerti with local symphony and chamber orchestras. It was a great time and a full house! Special thanks to Franko Fountaine, David Hirst, and The Antique Sandwich Company for hosting the event.

The Antique Sandwich Company in Tacoma, WA: A beautiful intimate venue for those who love classical music recitals, sandwiches, or pies!

The Antique Sandwich Company in Tacoma, WA: A beautiful intimate venue for those who love classical music recitals, sandwiches, or pies!

Source: antiquesandwichcompany.com